- Lâche-Lymphe stimulates lymphatic drainage and improves skin health.
- Concentrated fluid extract blend with potent flower essence integration.
- Calendula detoxifies, purifies, and stimulates lymph nodes and tissues.
- Echinacea clears lymphatics and protects collagen and connective tissue.
- Butcher’s Broom supports lymphatic action for edema and venous insufficiency.
- Potency: 2-3x dry plant tinctures, 4-5x fresh plant tinctures.
- Distinctly fragranced to help maintain physiological homeostasis.
- Lâche-Lymphe enhances aura, balances upper and lower poles, and elevates consciousness.
Lâche-Lymphe offers protection from negative influences and thought forms by enhancing the aura and balancing the body’s upper and lower poles. It develops inner sight and helps one analyze from a higher point of consciousness. The spiritual body is cleansed and brought closer to the physical body, making decisions from a more spiritual perspective.